Building Infrastructure:
Water and Wastewater Construction Experts

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Bowen has spent over 50 years providing critical water and wastewater infrastructure to communities and private owners across the country. We have worked with and installed every major technology, and treatment process, and are ready to bring this expertise to your project.

Municipal Wastewater Market


Wastewater TREATMENT

Bowen consistently works with Physical, Chemical, Membrane, UV systems to provide new treatment facilities or critical upgrades to existing facilities. See the video below for an overview of how we recently doubled the capacity of a facility while reversing its flow without providing a service interruptions to the owner.


Bowen is at work across the country upgrading sewer infrastructure. Through stormwater/sewer water separation, or through holding tanks or basins, we are supporting communities in eliminating CSO events into community waterways. Bowen also supports upgrades and ongoing maintenance of collection systems to support population and community growth.

Municipal Water Market


Municipal Water Treatment and Distribution

Bowen has constructed water treatment and distribution systems over 50 years. We have built new facilities and upgraded facilities nearing 100 years in age. In addition we have extensive experience with steam and chilled water lines.

Bowen has experience on multiple projects mitigating PFAS, PFOS and PFOA constituents from drinking water.

Industrial Water and Wastewater


Industrial water and Wastewater

Bowen has built Industrial Water and Wastewater solutions for Mining, Chemical, Automotive, Food and Beverage, Pharmaceutical, Steel and Power markets. We have applied every available treatment process and have treated the toughest constituents. Past projects have included use of Phys/Chem, Membrane, Reverse Osmosis (RO), Biological, ZLD, and UV treatment solutions.